Fix 4 You
3 min readDec 2, 2023


If you have a cracked phone screen and are considering DIY screen repair, reconsider. Screen repair is more difficult than you might believe. Doing it yourself will almost certainly result in a greater problem. Fix for You Cellular have a team of professionals for Cell Phone Repair Vancouver. Here are five things that can go wrong if you attempt DIY iPhone screen repair.

1. There will be no further warranties.

This isn’t a possibility; it’s a foregone conclusion. Any warranty on your phone will be voided the moment you open it up for DIY iPhone screen repair. Because iPhones are not designed to be opened quickly, prying them apart is plainly something you do on purpose. This immediately voids the warranty because Apple has no way of knowing what parts of the phone were broken previously and what you ruined by opening the phone. Leave the phone opening to the specialists to be on the safe side.

2. Remove All Touchscreen Capabilities

One of the most common outcomes of DIY screen repair is this. Even if you do manage to change the screen, reconnecting all of the wiring is quite tough. In all likelihood, you will reassemble your phone, turn it on, and discover that your touchscreen does not work at all. This could be due to frayed wires or even dirt inside the phone.

3. Cause Damage to Other Parts of the Phone

You intend to fix a cracked phone screen, but this does not guarantee that other elements of the phone will not be damaged in the process. While your phone is open, it is simple to shift a little wire or two and discover that your location services or camera are no longer functional. DIY screen repair may cause more harm than having a broken screen in the first place, especially if some of your phone’s basic functionalities no longer operate.

4. Use the Wrong Part

Because cell phones are not designed to be fixed at home, it is difficult to locate the essential parts to repair them. Even if you discover a screen for sale online, there’s no assurance it’ll arrive in one piece. Aside from that, it could not be compatible with your phone or even Apple-certified. Special tools are also required to open your phone and replace the screen without destroying other components. Any DIY screen repair kits you find for sale online are almost certainly false advertising.

5. More Prone to Breaking Again

Assume you conquer all odds. You navigate screen repair on your own, from purchasing a functional part to correctly installing it to putting your phone back together without harming anything. Even if you do everything correctly, your screen is more likely to shatter again than it was previously. Even the greatest do-it-yourself screen repairs aren’t ideal. You’ll be back in the same predicament in a few months. The more times you attempt broken phone screen repair at home, the more likely you are to permanently harm your phone. Although it may appear that you are saving money, purchasing a whole new phone is not inexpensive. When it comes to screen repair, leave it to the professionals.

Do you require phone screen repair in Vancouver?

If you dropped your phone and shattered the screen, DIY screen repair isn’t your only low-cost alternative. Fix for You Cellular is both professional and affordable. They guarantee that your phone will be as good as new, and it will be less expensive than returning it to Apple. It’s also speedier. The majority of screen repairs at Fix for You Cellular are completed in 15 to 30 minutes. Must visit or contact Fix for You Cellular for mobile screen repair in Vancouver.



Fix 4 You
Fix 4 You

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